I have taken my time in posting this message, because I have struggled with, "How do you put into words what seems to just 'happen naturally', and feels like an integral part of you?"
I wish to honour Wendy's enquiry, however, as to how the process of expressing the messages I share in the 'Daily Card Reading' come to me...so, here goes!
The first step is to 'surrender' and to know that the message that is coming through is not 'from me' so to speak... I just ALLOW... I understand that there are energies at play far greater than our physical understanding and that I am but the CONDUIT to relay the messages. Having said that, I ABSOLUTELY focus on being in LOVE & LIGHT energy, and I truly focus on being in a 'heart-centered place of service' as I am selecting the card deck, having the card present itself, and receiving the messages that are meant to come forward for that card on that day. I honour the sacredness of connecting with Spirit! I truly place myself in a place of TRUSTING, ALLOWING AND RECEIVING, and then I JUST TYPE!! That is honestly how it happens, it just flows and the words just come! On the rare occasions when I have ventured back to read some of the entries that 'I' have made, I understand completely that I was guided in sharing the messages...that they are from Spirit, and not from 'Linda'... That sounds so 'woo woo', but all I can tell you is that it feels both natural and good, and that I absolutely feel a sense of joy in receiving these messages for you!
It is also my deepest belief that we all have the capacity to connect to our Higher Self in our own way...I have spent 15 years studying and developing 'making the conscious connection' to the point that it now feels 'natural' to me when I set the intention to do so...it can be the same for you! Your guides and angels are gifts from the Creator to assist you in navigating your way through this physical lifetime that you are experiencing...they WANT to be in conscious communication with you! If visiting the 'Daily Card Reading' that I post encourages you and validates for you the connections that you HAVE BEEN and ARE making with your 'TEAM', then my Soul is rejoicing! And your Soul is rejoicing too! THANK YOU for the honour! I am in gratitude!
Blessed be...
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