Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Panache Desai ~ Where to begin?

The photo above was taken following the full day conference I attended with Panache Desai in Sedona, Arizona on November 4th/13.  I had just finished telling him that he had "rocked my world"!  We were then able to enjoy a half hour conversation about what is up and coming for him in terms of his book that he is currently writing and future events and courses that he has planned.  It felt as though I was speaking with an old friend.  As I stated briefly in yesterday's blog, I see Panache as a visionary and a messenger, but what is impressive about him is that he does NOT reside in Ego about that!  He not only embraces his 'humanness', but he celebrates it, and encourages us to do the same.  He declares that, "Humanity is the doorway to our Divinity."

Now, where to begin in sharing with you what he shared with us in that full day seminar?

I have long held the understanding that 'everything is energy', so Panache affirming that resonated with me.  What I am striving to assimilate and integrate is his assertion that energy is not to be labeled as 'positive' or 'negative', and that it is not necessary to shield or protect ourselves energetically.  As a person who has always been very sensitive to energy, and as an empath, who has a tendency to pick up on, and sometimes 'take on' other's energies, I have been so grateful for the tools that I have been given over the past 15 years to assist me in taking care of myself energetically.  These tools of shielding and clearing myself energetically have been of huge benefit to me and have also allowed me to open myself again more fully to my intuitive abilities without taking on what is not mine.  Yet while I am completely on the same page as Panache that everything is energy and I can embrace that it is not for us to judge whether energy is 'good' or 'bad', or 'positive' or 'negative', I struggle with his assertion that it is not necessary for us to shield or protect ourselves from energy that is not ours.  Rather than 'good' or 'bad' or 'positive' or 'negative', I can absolutely embrace the less 'judgmental' labels of 'mine' or 'not mine' in terms of energy that I am exposed to.  As a highly sensitive person, I have experienced moving through life with and without the tools I have acquired and I can tell you that I function far better when implementing the tools!  What intrigued me also is that Panache spoke at the beginning of the day of having recently lost 30 pounds of weight and intending to lose 10 more. He attributed the extra weight he had been carrying on his body to the fact that as an empath, he had gained this extra weight in response to all the dense energy he was exposed to when doing personal readings/sessions with others.  He alluded to the weight as being a means of dealing with the dense energies he had been exposed to. So, I am not sure how to assimilate his sharing of his experience of gaining weight as a result of exposure to other's energy with his assertion that we don't need to shield and protect ourselves energetically.  I did not have the opportunity to explore with Panache what I see as conflicting messages, and I understand that with any and all messengers/ teachers we are meant to take away from their sharing with us what resonates with our Soul, but I look forward to addressing this with Panache at some point so that I can have a clearer understanding of his perspective on caring for ourselves energetically as empaths.   In the meantime, I have concluded that I will continue to utilize the beautiful and effective tools of shielding and clearing myself energetically, because that is what works best for me at this time.  Perhaps Panache's advanced and visionary understanding of energy allows and affords him the ability to move through this life experience as an open vessel energetically and perhaps that is what we are all moving toward.  Perhaps he is meant to use his life as an example of how to live in that way... I look forward to deeper understanding and discovery for myself in this regard!
Further to that, Panache made the declaration that there are no 'good' or 'bad' emotions---they are simply emotions meant to be experienced. He states that, "Emotion is energy in motion."  He professes that it is in our best interest to allow ourselves to fully experience emotions and to allow them to flow through us, without attempting to deny or 'squash' the notion that they exist for us, including those emotions that would be labeled as 'bad' or 'negative', such as anger, fear or grief. Our most effective strategy in embracing any and all emotions is to breathe through them, he says.  Penache asserts that when we attempt to deny the experience of anger, fear or grief, these emotions take up residence within us and can become 'energetic blocks' that do not serve us.  It is my understanding that Panache encourages us to not only acknowledge the emotion, but to embrace it and EXPERIENCE it, and even to bless it, so that it can move vibrationally through our body with ease and grace.  I have much to learn regarding this!

Another powerful teaching of Panache's is that there is 'no-thing' we need to do to, and 
nowhere we need to get to because we are already 'in perfection' from the viewpoint of the Divine.  While I can fully embrace being unconditionally loved by the Divine, I have long held the belief that my 'Soul Journey' is to progress myself and to learn and integrate the lessons that my Soul has contracted to learn while on that journey.  So, again, I truly want to get into deeper discussion with Panache in regards to his statement that there is 'no-thing' we need to do...I KNOW he has a great deal more to say on the subject, and that we only skimmed the surface of what he has to share!  He says that all we need to do is to live in love. The following is a direct quote from the 3 hour session we had with Panache (I was too INVOLVED in the depth of the session with Panache during the full day on Monday to take notes!), and it speaks to the root of his teachings, I believe:

"Your connection to your Soul determines the quality and experience of your Life.  And the clarity of that connection determines how much of your infinite potential is exposed in every area of your Life."

I am in gratitude, Panache!  As with any great spiritual messenger, you have caused me to look deep within myself and you have motivated and inspired me to continue the quest of making what I call the 'conscious connection'!  I feel that this was just the beginning of my learnings from you...  
Blessings to you!
I am also in gratitude to this blog, which has inspired me to put into words, and thereby 'sort out' for myself somewhat, my profound experience of sharing time with Panache so that I could relate it to you!  To those who have taken the time to share in my learnings, I also send you my gratitude!  
Blessings to you!

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