Monday, July 28, 2014

'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' Course ~ Levels 1 & 2 ~ Offered in September/14!

I have had more requests to offer my course, 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' and the dates that I am able to offer the 2 day, Level 1 & 2 portions on a weekend in September are: 
Sat. Sept. 13th/Sun. Sept. 14th (my least preferred date); and Sat. Sept. 20th/Sun. Sept. 21st. 
Or during the week: Thurs. Sept. 18th/Fri. Sept. 19th; and Thurs. Sept. 25th/Fri. Sept. 26th.  My personal preference is for the weekday (Thurs./Fri.) dates.
My husband and I are leaving to Brazil on October 1st/14 for 3 weeks (2 of our 3 children are currently living in Brazil!) and we are traveling to Arizona from there, so I will not be back in Canada until toward the end of November.  I am sharing this information with you to advise you that I am booking up with Akashic Records Consultations in September, and I do not have a lot of times available to teach this course in the near future!  I TRULY feel that sharing what I have compiled in this course is integral to my Life Purpose and I am SO EXCITED to share this information with those who feel called to learn about the Akashic Records!  My intention is to offer the next 2 (and concluding) levels of this course in late November/early December---specific dates to be determined soon!  
Please contact me, ASAP, either by personal message on my Facebook Page (Conscious Connections With Linda) or by e-mail: if you are interested in this course; and also, please indicate which course date you are able to attend. I may offer it twice, if there are enough students.
For more information as to what is offered in this course, visit my website: and click on the 'Courses' page, scrolling down to the information offered there on the Akashic Records Course; or contact me, as above, with questions and I will do my best to address them!
Having just taught the 'inaugural sessions' of this course, I cannot wait to teach it again (and again, and again)!!!  Truly 'Soul-fulfilling' for me!!!  SO GRATEFUL!
Blessings to you,

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