Monday, May 27, 2013

Whoa!!! Have you been feeling it too???

Whoa!!! Have you been feeling it, too???  While I am in no way knowledgable about astronomy or astrology, I have always been extremely sensitive to energy and energy shifts, and 'whallapalooza', we have most certainly been in the midst of THAT!!!

Above, is a photo of the recent full moon, taken in Australia, and what a vision!  THANK YOU to the person who captured that beautiful image to share with us!  I am also in DEEP GRATITUDE to those who ARE knowledgable about astronomy and astrology and who have been sharing their insight with us, thereby explaining some of what I have been experiencing and FEELING lately!  THANK YOU, Barb, for introducing me to Elizabeth Peru, and her newsletter...reading it gave me insight into the 'whys' of what I had been experiencing on a cosmic level...According to Elizabeth, we have been in a particularly powerful 'eclipse season', the likes of which we haven't experienced since 1995.  The difference this time, according to Elizabeth, is that this time we are, "clearing the slate to prepare for the BIRTH of a new series of Eclipses on May 25".  Elizabeth states that, following the recent eclipse on May 24/25, we are entering into a new season of eclipses that will occur over the next 1,262 years, at 18 year intervals...  This new season of eclipses that we are entering into are themed by what we create and manifest in our lives NOW...
WOW! Powerful! 

What is most interesting to me is that what Elizabeth is sharing with us has been prevalent in all the 'metaphysical mentoring' that has been presented of late...  Not only from an astrological viewpoint, but from various perspectives, there has been an energy of shifting and changing...of releasing what no longer serves you, rather than remaining in the 'status quo'...of stepping into your authenticity and looking at the REAL reason that you are here...
I know that with 2013, I personally, have felt not only the DESIRE to step more firmly onto my Spiritual path, but I have felt COMPELLED to do so!!! We are being PROPELLED forward and I have witnessed so many people taking real and guided action to move forward on their life path in a positive way!! Woo Hooo!  We are not only being supported energetically by the Universe in making these changes, we are being NUDGED, ENCOURAGED and sometimes downright OBLIGATED to shine our Light upon the world!  More and more, we are being reminded that we are co-creators of our experiences and we are being pushed to take responsibility for ourselves and our movement forward as a society!  This theme is prevalent in the messages being shared by so many Spiritual leaders right now!

So, no doubt, we  are moving in a positive direction, but this does not come without moments of discomfiture!!  Change, even positive change, can feel uncomfortable and foreign in the know how we sometimes hold onto old habits just because they are familiar?  There is always a period of adjustment when we move into the new...Then, there is the fact that prior to our changing something, there usually needs to be evidence provided to us that there is a NEED for change...and THAT is generally made evident through some sort of experience or event that brings to light what is no longer 'working' for us...right? A catalyst for change...

Well, for many of us, one of the catalysts for change recently has been provided by the cosmic energy that we have experiencing...this cosmic energy has been 'amping up' and assisting us in bringing to the surface what we need to release in order to move forward in a positive way...although the angst I was feeling around this recent full moon, I would not necessarily have described as feeling like it was 'assisting' me (when in truth, it really was)!  Many of us utilize the energy of the full moon to facilitate 'releasing' what we need to from our lives, and the full moon with a lunar eclipse on May 24/25 was a SUPER moon in that if you were feeling agitated, anxious and just generally 'off' during that period of time, (and you may still reside in that energy, somewhat)  know that you were actually bringing to the surface what needed clearing and as uncomfortable as it may have felt at times, it was a necessary step in the right direction...  Just knowing that you were not alone in how you were feeling can bring great relief!  Realize also that, 'this too shall pass'!

Look to the new moon on June 8th as an opportunity to shift into focussing on what it is you choose to draw into your life and manifest for yourself, with the knowing that you have done the releasement work required to make room for all the good that is awaiting you!  When you are your best self, it impacts all who come in contact with DO make a difference!  We are blessed to be here during this time of enlightenment...your Soul chose to be here during this wondrous time...     How will YOU shine your LIGHT? 
Blessed be!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Spiritual Farmer's Market

I am very happy to share that I will be a vendor at the 'Spiritual Farmer's Market' at 
Vitality Crystals & Fountains on Sunday, June 9/13 from 10 to 5!!!  This is the first of a few markets  planned throughout this summer...

Melanie Anderson, the owner of this amazing crystal shop located west of Bowden, created this event in 2012, to showcase various healers and Lightworkers here in Alberta.

I participated in 2 of the Markets last year and I honestly had a blast!  This is an outdoor event situated in Melanie's spectacular farm yard which is graced with fountains of Melanie's to just sit by, take in the energy of the countryside, and relax... 

I hope that you will venture out on June 9th and visit me at my 'tent', where I will be offering 30 minute Akashic Records Consultations for $36.  My husband will be on hand with the beautiful and affordable singing crystal bowls that we are excited to share with you! us a visit for a reading and to play or listen to the crystal for the Soul, available for you to purchase!

For more information and for directions to the event visit Melanie's Facebook page:
'Vitality Crystals and Fountains' 
or visit her website:


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Taking care of yourself energetically...cutting etheric cords

In the daily card reading today, the beautiful card above was the card drawn for you.  It is titled, 'Gentle Release', and it has inspired today's entry!
This fractal art card is aligned with Archangel Michael energy and his message was about how he is there to assist us with cutting etheric cords.  Although I am sure that there are many of you who know about and practise this means of energy clearing, I feel compelled to write about this today for those who may not be aware of this technique.  Archangel Michael's energy stepped forward in the reading today for a reason!  I know that I am certainly in gratitude for his reminder to utilize this wonderful tool for taking care of myself energetically!
As a person who has been ultra-sensitive to energy all my life, and who has had people say to me time and again, "Why do you have to be so sensitive?", and "Why do you feel things so deeply?", and "Why is that bothering (or affecting) you?", I can tell you that I often asked myself the very same questions!  It was an absolute GIFT to me when the technique of 'etheric cord cutting' came into my life!

The following is from the course that I teach called 'Conscious Connections':

"Etheric cords are energetic connections that look something like surgical tubing to the psychic eye.  Energy flows back and forth between the attachments.  These cords were formed due to fear-based energy exchanged between the persons or from a person to an object.  Etheric cords grow larger in relation to the length and intensity of the relationship, and so the largest cords tend to be between parents, siblings, spouses and children, etc. 
People (and even objects) can literally 'syphon' energy from you and cause you to feel 'drained'.
Cutting etheric cords does not mean that you are abandoning a relationship, or that you are  'cutting yourself off from' the loving aspect of that relationship--it's just releasing the unhealthy part of the relationship, for the good of all concerned.  Cords can and will reattach when fear-based (remember that 'fear' is defined as the opposite of 'love') energy occurs in a relationship, and it is important to be aware of your own energy, and to cut cords whenever you feel the need.  People who are in the 'caring professions' (teachers, counsellors, healers, etc.), and people who have a lot of contact with others (bank tellers, store clerks, etc.) need to cut cords on a regular basis.

How To Cut Etheric Cords

To cut etheric cords you call on Archangel Michael and then Archangel Raphael for assistance (Archangel Michael is the supreme protector, and Archangel Raphael is the healer).
You simply relax, close your eyes, if you wish, and say aloud or in your mind the following invocation that Doreen Virtue suggests:
 "Archangel Michael, I call upon you now to cut the cords of fear that are draining my energy and vitality."

Then ask Archangel Raphael to fill that area with green healing light, and it is done!

Always give thanks to the angels for their assistance...the Universe loves gratitude, and by thanking them, you release them, also...

Please hear me when I say...IT IS ALL ABOUT INTENTION...YOUR INTENTION TO HAVE THE ETHERIC CORDS CUT!!  If you choose different words or don't get the words exactly right, it simply does not matter!  It is the energy of your intention to do so that is most powerful...intend it, and so it is!
Some people will have a physical reaction, such as a shiver/shudder or a releasement of pain, as the cords are being cut, and some will just have a 'knowing' of where the cord was attached.  You don't have to know who you are cutting cords with, but if you DO know, then insert that person's name when you use the invocation of Archangel Michael above.  If you don't know specifically who you're cutting cords with, pay attention to who pops into your mind as you do the cord may be surprised!

If you're holding on to anger or unforgiveness toward the person involved, the cord can be very difficult to cut.  So, in addition to your previous invocation, you may add a prayer suggested by Doreen Virtue in such situations:

"I am willing to trade pain for peace.  I ask for peace to replace any pain, now."

So....there you have excerpt from my 'Conscious Connections' course that I felt compelled to share with you!!  Archangel Michael must have sensed that there was a need for this to be shared today, because I had no intention to blog about this prior to pulling the card for the daily card reading this morning!!

I would add that you may try placing your hand on the fractal art card pictured above to see what you pick up from it...perhaps you will feel Archangel Michael's energy come through strongly for you, as I did when I laid my hand upon it this morning!  And, just a reminder that the Archangel's vibration is such that they have the ability to bi-locate...they can be with multiple souls by calling on Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael to be with you, you are not keeping them from working with another!

In closing this post today, I'd like to share with you how this amazing tool came into my life...
In 2005, I was attending a Body, Soul and Spirit Expo in Calgary.  I liked to travel with my 'posse' in those days when attending any kind of metaphysical event or friends who understood my pursuit of learning in this field of knowledge, and who supported me on this journey as I supported them on their journey.  I spontaneously signed up for what was to be a 15 minute reading with an 'angel reader' there named Cindy Johnson...I had not had a lot of 'readings' at this time, and prior to this, when I had gone for a reading, it was at the recommendation (and sometimes the URGING) of one of my 'posse' whose guidance I trusted.  Something told me to sign up for this reading with Cindy, even though I didn't know at that time what an 'angel reader' was (years later, I would study to be one, myself!)  As I said, she was offering 15 minute readings, but she ended up spending 45 minutes with me (and not because she didn't have other people signed up following me)!!   Well, the first thing she said to me when I sat down was, "Oh my are so covered in cords!! You must be exhausted!"  Let me tell you that she was so right!  I HAD been experiencing such fatigue around that time that I couldn't understand...I knew that I wasn't feeling depresssed or sad or even physically ill...I just felt like I was 'dragging my butt', and I could not understand why!  She said that we needed to cut etheric cords, that this would be an important tool for me and that I should pick up a book by Doreen Virtue that would explain the technique to me in greater that point I pulled a book out of my bag and asked, "Do you mean this book?"  I had just 5 minutes prior to my reading with Cindy, purchased a book by Doreen Virtue called, 'The Lightworkers Way', and it was the first book by Doreen that I ever purchased!  Do you see how the Universe works??? AMAZING!!   Anyhow, Cindy continued on to say that the largest and most draining cords were to my children and we would start with cutting which I replied, "Just hold on a minute, here!  I am a MOTHER first and foremost, and you will NOT be cutting any cords between me and my kids!"  She patiently explained to me that none of the love energy would be severed and encouraged me to read the section about 'Etheric Cord Cutting' in Doreen's book that I had just purchased when I got home, to better understand...(I am smiling wryly as I think back to this, because I DO better understand, now!)  Suffice to say, that Cindy conducted the cord cutting for me that afternoon, and I cannot put into words the difference that I felt!  I understand that it may seem very 'woo-woo' me when I say that I approached it with some degree of skepticism initially, also.  All I can tell you is that, for me, it works!  If I feel a little 'down' either energetically or emotionally, and I sense that it is not 'mine', it is a reminder for me to cut cords and I feel better immediately upon doing so!  Keep in mind that, when cutting cords, you are not going into judgment about 'good' or 'bad' or 'better or less than' are cutting the cords to energy that is NOT YOURS.  I cut cords all the time with people that I consider to be absolute loving beings in my is just that I have my own energy field, and I don't need to be carrying their stuff around with me, too, because it is not MINE.
Cutting cords does not imply that you cannot be a compassionate, caring person either. I hope that is very clear!
I give thanks for the blessing of this tool for taking care of myself energetically and to Archangel Michael for encouraging me to share this information with you today!  Please feel free to share any comments or to ask any questions you may have about this topic by emailing me at  I look forward to hearing from you!
Blessed be!

Monday, May 6, 2013

I am excited to be attending 'Spring Fling' at Silver Springs Community Center in Calgary on May 11th, 2013!  It is being hosted by my friends, Cindy Smith and Jaden Sterling, and I KNOW that it is going to be an AWESOME event!!  
I am thrilled to be debuting the affordable crystal singing bowls that I am marketing at this event, and THANK Cindy and Jaden for supporting the AEP community in allowing us to 'show and share' what we are up to as AEP's!!  I am in gratitude, and I can't wait to spend time with all of you and to experience what Cindy and Jaden have to share with us on that day!!!  YAY!!! 
(photo above taken at a vista at the Cathedral Rock Vortex in Sedona, Arizona)

Friday, May 3, 2013

The photo above was taken at one of the viewpoints at the Cathedral Rock Vortex in Sedona from a vista where I did my meditation...incredible!

I want to share with you our experiences with the vortexes we visited in Sedona...I truly hope that you have the opportunity to visit the Sedona area is breathtaking!

Our first excursion to a designated vortex area in Sedona was to the Bell Rock Vortex a couple of years ago.  We hiked to the area indicated on the map, and then walked around trying to 'feel' the vortex energy!  Where is the vortex?  Is it here?  Is it over there?  I really should have known better than that!  Comical!  Of course, the energy permeates the area, and in fact can be felt throughout all of the Sedona is just that in the four 'power sites' (Bell Rock, Boynton Canyon, Airport Mesa, & Cathedral Rock), the energy is amplified and can be experienced more noticeably by most.

Let's back up and define what a vortex is.  Below is the definition of a vortex, taken from the book, 'What Is A Vortex', written by Dennis Andres, a local guide and author in Sedona...

"A vortex is a place where the Earth is at its healthiest and most alive.  The remarkable natural beauty of the area is the physical indicator of the aliveness.  More importantly, the aliveness shows up in an increased energy that is present.  The energy acts as an amplifier, magnifying what we bring to it on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels."

I have been 'hypersensitive' to energy all my life.  My husband will tell you that he doesn't experience energy in the same way that I do.  Yet we both undeniably had our own encounters with the vortex energy during our time in Sedona.  The vortex energy experiences are as unique and individual as we are unique individuals!  The best advice I can give you is to just ALLOW your encounter to be for you what it is on any given day...don't try to FORCE yourself into having a certain experience... Setting yourself up with the expectation of..."OK...I have traveled a  LONG way to spend time in this energy and I am going to HAVE AN EXPERIENCE!!!"... will only take away from exactly what it is meant to be for you at that time.  Of course, we were able to connect with and to feel the subtleties of the vortex energy better once we sat quietly in meditation, and my personal reaction was different at each vortex.  Remember that, in the definition above, Dennis states that a vortex acts as an amplifier of what you bring to it...I can attest to that!

The first vortex site that we visited on this trip was Boynton Canyon.  We hiked to the area known as 'Kachina Woman', which is a tall red rock spire.  It is an easy hike into this area, and it is possible to hike deeper into Boynton Canyon, but we stayed at the Kachina Woman site.  My experience while sitting in meditation here was that I felt a strong connection from my root chakra to Mother Earth energy.  I felt the deepest sense of calm, serenity, safety and security...just 'ahhhhh'... I saw the most brilliant color of red, and it wasn't until I was relating this to my husband afterward that I realized that red is the color associated with the root chakra!  Wow!

Our next venture was to Airport Mesa Vortex.  This area is recommended to be visited at sunset, as the views are said to be spectacular at that time.  We visited at around 5 pm, because that's how it worked out for us.  While I had definitely felt 'vibration' or 'buzzing' at the Kachina Woman site earlier that day, I quickly became very light-headed when hiking up to the vista of the Airport Mesa Vortex.  I asked my husband if the elevation was different than where we'd been prior and he didn't think it was significantly different, if at all.  I just could not shake the sense of being 'out of balance', and I was reluctant to go anywhere near the edge of the vista to take in the incredible view.  Although it was unfair to him, I had to ask my husband to move in from the area he had chosen to sit in meditation at, because my anxiety was so high that he may fall from there (he really wasn't at risk of falling...but I couldn't shake the feeling, and so he agreed to move).  And THEN while we were sitting in meditation (and I was striving to 'ground' myself!) our cell phone rang in my husband's pocket, and he answered it, without thinking.  The call was from a distant family member that I don't hear from often.  It is a loving relationship, but one that has always been very 'draining' for me.  As requested, Tony passed the phone off to me and I had a brief conversation with her.  Why am I sharing all of this with you?  It has been stated in the definition of a vortex above by Dennis Andres that, "The energy acts as an amplifier..."
Tony noticed a difference in me after we left that vortex...he kept asking me what was wrong and commented that I seemed very 'quiet' (which is unlike me!) and subdued.  His comments were fair, because I was feeling that way, but I couldn't explain why...  As we talked about how odd it was that we had received a call from that family member at that moment in time (while sitting in a vortex in Sedona!) it came to me that it had happened for a reason (as is ALWAYS the case, isn't it?)  This was a lesson for me to share with you, that a vortex is not just a 'happy, happy, calm, calm' amplifies what you bring to it, and you can CHOOSE what you bring to it, just as you can choose what you will bring to many experiences in your life!  So I can say to you that the vortex that I felt discomfort at brought me the greatest lessons on this journey! Once I realized what had taken place at this vortex, I cut etheric cords with the family member I received the call from, and I cleared myself of all energy that was not mine that I had brought with me from the vortex. Lesson learned!  It is VERY IMPORTANT to state here that Airport Mesa is NOT a vortex of negative energy!  Tony's experience there was very different from mine... I will definitely revisit the Airport Mesa Vortex in the future, and it will be interesting for me to see if I still feel as 'dizzy' or 'off-balance' as I did on this visit there, or if that is just where I was at in interacting with the vortex energy on that particular day.

The final vortex that we visited during our time in Sedona was the Cathedral Rock Vortex.  We accessed it by driving up 'Back O'Beyond Road'.This was definitely the most challenging hike!  The sign at the parking lot says that it is .7 miles one way, but it seemed much longer than that, as you are climbing for most of the hike enroute to the vista. Apparently there are other ways to access this Vortex, with hikes that are less challenging, but we are happy that we took this route as we were right at the base of the spires when we reached the vista and the views were just amazing!  Interesting that I did not experience any 'dizziness' here and that other hikers we encountered on this trail commented on how great my balance was as I navigated my way up some of the more challenging parts of the trail!  The photo at the top of the page is one taken from this vista.  I can only tell you that it is impossible to capture the beauty!  The area I sat in meditation at the vista in this vortex was my favorite!  I sat on a red rock 'chair', which included a foot rest that I placed my bare feet on.  We were in the shade of the red rock spires and there was a gentle breeze and the most spectacular view before us! Just WOW!  While sitting in meditation here, I felt pure joy and I saw the colors purple and violet pass in waves before my eyes...  I didn't even go into anxiety about making the hike down (I am not a fan of heights!), but I am grateful to have had my husband as my guide to navigate through some of the more challenging areas we had to descend through!  I had taken the card I'd drawn for your daily card reading along with us to photograph for posting on the site.  It is awesome that we were able to photograph it in that incredible vortex energy!  I am so grateful for that!

We did not visit the Bell Rock Vortex on this trip, as we had been to it a couple of times before...we will visit it again, for sure!

Suffice to say that, having visited the 'big four' vortexes in Sedona, I can share with you that, if you are sensitive to energy, you will feel that throughout various areas in Sedona...that Sedona, itself, holds a certain energy.  It is not necessary to go to these specific sites to experience what Sedona has to offer, and sometimes it is gratifying to venture on 'the road less traveled' and to determine where the energy centers are for you!
Having said that, these sites are definitely worth visiting...they were designated as 'power sites' for a reason!  I am in GRATITUDE!!!   I say 'Thanks!', I say 'Amen!'

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sedona, Arizona

Above is a view from a vista at Cathedral Rock Vortex in Sedona, Arizona...

Tony & I are just back from our 3 day sojourn in beautiful Sedona!  That red rock country is visual splendour and the energy of the area is undeniable!  The locals will tell you that Sedona, itself, has become very 'touristy'.  Tony & I attended a presentation by a local artist and poet and were told that, while the actual population of Sedona is around 15,000 people, there are 4 million visitors to the area each year!  While the townsite of Sedona has obviously become commercialized and geared toward the tourist industry, it is still easy to venture out into the area surrounding Sedona to experience the incredible beauty Mother Nature exhibits here.
Their are 4 major vortexes commonly identified in the Sedona area: Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock, Boynton Canyon and Airport Mesa.
I will be blogging about our Sedona experience over the next few days, primarily about our experiences with the vortex energy that Sedona has become so well known for...
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend time in this amazing place on Earth!