Monday, May 27, 2013
Whoa!!! Have you been feeling it too???
Whoa!!! Have you been feeling it, too??? While I am in no way knowledgable about astronomy or astrology, I have always been extremely sensitive to energy and energy shifts, and 'whallapalooza', we have most certainly been in the midst of THAT!!!
Above, is a photo of the recent full moon, taken in Australia, and what a vision! THANK YOU to the person who captured that beautiful image to share with us! I am also in DEEP GRATITUDE to those who ARE knowledgable about astronomy and astrology and who have been sharing their insight with us, thereby explaining some of what I have been experiencing and FEELING lately! THANK YOU, Barb, for introducing me to Elizabeth Peru, and her newsletter...reading it gave me insight into the 'whys' of what I had been experiencing on a cosmic level...According to Elizabeth, we have been in a particularly powerful 'eclipse season', the likes of which we haven't experienced since 1995. The difference this time, according to Elizabeth, is that this time we are, "clearing the slate to prepare for the BIRTH of a new series of Eclipses on May 25". Elizabeth states that, following the recent eclipse on May 24/25, we are entering into a new season of eclipses that will occur over the next 1,262 years, at 18 year intervals... This new season of eclipses that we are entering into are themed by what we create and manifest in our lives NOW...
WOW! Powerful!
What is most interesting to me is that what Elizabeth is sharing with us has been prevalent in all the 'metaphysical mentoring' that has been presented of late... Not only from an astrological viewpoint, but from various perspectives, there has been an energy of shifting and changing...of releasing what no longer serves you, rather than remaining in the 'status quo'...of stepping into your authenticity and looking at the REAL reason that you are here...
I know that with 2013, I personally, have felt not only the DESIRE to step more firmly onto my Spiritual path, but I have felt COMPELLED to do so!!! We are being PROPELLED forward and I have witnessed so many people taking real and guided action to move forward on their life path in a positive way!! Woo Hooo! We are not only being supported energetically by the Universe in making these changes, we are being NUDGED, ENCOURAGED and sometimes downright OBLIGATED to shine our Light upon the world! More and more, we are being reminded that we are co-creators of our experiences and we are being pushed to take responsibility for ourselves and our movement forward as a society! This theme is prevalent in the messages being shared by so many Spiritual leaders right now!
So, no doubt, we are moving in a positive direction, but this does not come without moments of discomfiture!! Change, even positive change, can feel uncomfortable and foreign in the know how we sometimes hold onto old habits just because they are familiar? There is always a period of adjustment when we move into the new...Then, there is the fact that prior to our changing something, there usually needs to be evidence provided to us that there is a NEED for change...and THAT is generally made evident through some sort of experience or event that brings to light what is no longer 'working' for us...right? A catalyst for change...
Well, for many of us, one of the catalysts for change recently has been provided by the cosmic energy that we have experiencing...this cosmic energy has been 'amping up' and assisting us in bringing to the surface what we need to release in order to move forward in a positive way...although the angst I was feeling around this recent full moon, I would not necessarily have described as feeling like it was 'assisting' me (when in truth, it really was)! Many of us utilize the energy of the full moon to facilitate 'releasing' what we need to from our lives, and the full moon with a lunar eclipse on May 24/25 was a SUPER moon in that if you were feeling agitated, anxious and just generally 'off' during that period of time, (and you may still reside in that energy, somewhat) know that you were actually bringing to the surface what needed clearing and as uncomfortable as it may have felt at times, it was a necessary step in the right direction... Just knowing that you were not alone in how you were feeling can bring great relief! Realize also that, 'this too shall pass'!
Look to the new moon on June 8th as an opportunity to shift into focussing on what it is you choose to draw into your life and manifest for yourself, with the knowing that you have done the releasement work required to make room for all the good that is awaiting you! When you are your best self, it impacts all who come in contact with DO make a difference! We are blessed to be here during this time of enlightenment...your Soul chose to be here during this wondrous time... How will YOU shine your LIGHT?
Blessed be!
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I love that picture.