Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Taking care of yourself energetically...cutting etheric cords

In the daily card reading today, the beautiful card above was the card drawn for you.  It is titled, 'Gentle Release', and it has inspired today's entry!
This fractal art card is aligned with Archangel Michael energy and his message was about how he is there to assist us with cutting etheric cords.  Although I am sure that there are many of you who know about and practise this means of energy clearing, I feel compelled to write about this today for those who may not be aware of this technique.  Archangel Michael's energy stepped forward in the reading today for a reason!  I know that I am certainly in gratitude for his reminder to utilize this wonderful tool for taking care of myself energetically!
As a person who has been ultra-sensitive to energy all my life, and who has had people say to me time and again, "Why do you have to be so sensitive?", and "Why do you feel things so deeply?", and "Why is that bothering (or affecting) you?", I can tell you that I often asked myself the very same questions!  It was an absolute GIFT to me when the technique of 'etheric cord cutting' came into my life!

The following is from the course that I teach called 'Conscious Connections':

"Etheric cords are energetic connections that look something like surgical tubing to the psychic eye.  Energy flows back and forth between the attachments.  These cords were formed due to fear-based energy exchanged between the persons or from a person to an object.  Etheric cords grow larger in relation to the length and intensity of the relationship, and so the largest cords tend to be between parents, siblings, spouses and children, etc. 
People (and even objects) can literally 'syphon' energy from you and cause you to feel 'drained'.
Cutting etheric cords does not mean that you are abandoning a relationship, or that you are  'cutting yourself off from' the loving aspect of that relationship--it's just releasing the unhealthy part of the relationship, for the good of all concerned.  Cords can and will reattach when fear-based (remember that 'fear' is defined as the opposite of 'love') energy occurs in a relationship, and it is important to be aware of your own energy, and to cut cords whenever you feel the need.  People who are in the 'caring professions' (teachers, counsellors, healers, etc.), and people who have a lot of contact with others (bank tellers, store clerks, etc.) need to cut cords on a regular basis.

How To Cut Etheric Cords

To cut etheric cords you call on Archangel Michael and then Archangel Raphael for assistance (Archangel Michael is the supreme protector, and Archangel Raphael is the healer).
You simply relax, close your eyes, if you wish, and say aloud or in your mind the following invocation that Doreen Virtue suggests:
 "Archangel Michael, I call upon you now to cut the cords of fear that are draining my energy and vitality."

Then ask Archangel Raphael to fill that area with green healing light, and it is done!

Always give thanks to the angels for their assistance...the Universe loves gratitude, and by thanking them, you release them, also...

Please hear me when I say...IT IS ALL ABOUT INTENTION...YOUR INTENTION TO HAVE THE ETHERIC CORDS CUT!!  If you choose different words or don't get the words exactly right, it simply does not matter!  It is the energy of your intention to do so that is most powerful...intend it, and so it is!
Some people will have a physical reaction, such as a shiver/shudder or a releasement of pain, as the cords are being cut, and some will just have a 'knowing' of where the cord was attached.  You don't have to know who you are cutting cords with, but if you DO know, then insert that person's name when you use the invocation of Archangel Michael above.  If you don't know specifically who you're cutting cords with, pay attention to who pops into your mind as you do the cord cutting...you may be surprised!

If you're holding on to anger or unforgiveness toward the person involved, the cord can be very difficult to cut.  So, in addition to your previous invocation, you may add a prayer suggested by Doreen Virtue in such situations:

"I am willing to trade pain for peace.  I ask for peace to replace any pain, now."

So....there you have it...an excerpt from my 'Conscious Connections' course that I felt compelled to share with you!!  Archangel Michael must have sensed that there was a need for this to be shared today, because I had no intention to blog about this prior to pulling the card for the daily card reading this morning!!

I would add that you may try placing your hand on the fractal art card pictured above to see what you pick up from it...perhaps you will feel Archangel Michael's energy come through strongly for you, as I did when I laid my hand upon it this morning!  And, just a reminder that the Archangel's vibration is such that they have the ability to bi-locate...they can be with multiple souls simultaneously...so by calling on Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael to be with you, you are not keeping them from working with another!

In closing this post today, I'd like to share with you how this amazing tool came into my life...
In 2005, I was attending a Body, Soul and Spirit Expo in Calgary.  I liked to travel with my 'posse' in those days when attending any kind of metaphysical event or course...my friends who understood my pursuit of learning in this field of knowledge, and who supported me on this journey as I supported them on their journey.  I spontaneously signed up for what was to be a 15 minute reading with an 'angel reader' there named Cindy Johnson...I had not had a lot of 'readings' at this time, and prior to this, when I had gone for a reading, it was at the recommendation (and sometimes the URGING) of one of my 'posse' whose guidance I trusted.  Something told me to sign up for this reading with Cindy, even though I didn't know at that time what an 'angel reader' was (years later, I would study to be one, myself!)  As I said, she was offering 15 minute readings, but she ended up spending 45 minutes with me (and not because she didn't have other people signed up following me)!!   Well, the first thing she said to me when I sat down was, "Oh my dear...you are so covered in cords!! You must be exhausted!"  Let me tell you that she was so right!  I HAD been experiencing such fatigue around that time that I couldn't understand...I knew that I wasn't feeling depresssed or sad or even physically ill...I just felt like I was 'dragging my butt', and I could not understand why!  She said that we needed to cut etheric cords, that this would be an important tool for me and that I should pick up a book by Doreen Virtue that would explain the technique to me in greater detail...at that point I pulled a book out of my bag and asked, "Do you mean this book?"  I had just 5 minutes prior to my reading with Cindy, purchased a book by Doreen Virtue called, 'The Lightworkers Way', and it was the first book by Doreen that I ever purchased!  Do you see how the Universe works??? AMAZING!!   Anyhow, Cindy continued on to say that the largest and most draining cords were to my children and we would start with cutting them...to which I replied, "Just hold on a minute, here!  I am a MOTHER first and foremost, and you will NOT be cutting any cords between me and my kids!"  She patiently explained to me that none of the love energy would be severed and encouraged me to read the section about 'Etheric Cord Cutting' in Doreen's book that I had just purchased when I got home, to better understand...(I am smiling wryly as I think back to this, because I DO better understand, now!)  Suffice to say, that Cindy conducted the cord cutting for me that afternoon, and I cannot put into words the difference that I felt!  I understand that it may seem very 'woo-woo'...trust me when I say that I approached it with some degree of skepticism initially, also.  All I can tell you is that, for me, it works!  If I feel a little 'down' either energetically or emotionally, and I sense that it is not 'mine', it is a reminder for me to cut cords and I feel better immediately upon doing so!  Keep in mind that, when cutting cords, you are not going into judgment about 'good' or 'bad' or 'better or less than'...you are cutting the cords to energy that is NOT YOURS.  I cut cords all the time with people that I consider to be absolute loving beings in my life...it is just that I have my own energy field, and I don't need to be carrying their stuff around with me, too, because it is not MINE.
Cutting cords does not imply that you cannot be a compassionate, caring person either. I hope that is very clear!
I give thanks for the blessing of this tool for taking care of myself energetically and to Archangel Michael for encouraging me to share this information with you today!  Please feel free to share any comments or to ask any questions you may have about this topic by emailing me at consciousconnections12@gmail.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!
Blessed be!

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